SphereEx 联合创始人 & CTO, Apache Member & Incubator Mentor, Apache ShardingSphere PMC, AWS Data Hero, 中国木兰开源社区导师,腾讯云 TVP。
曾负责京东数科数据库智能平台的设计与研发,现专注于分布式数据库 & 中间件生态及开源领域。被评为《2020 中国开源先锋人物》,2021 OSCAR 尖峰开源人物。CSDN 2021 年度 IT 领军人物,2022 年在 ICDE 发表论文 “Apache ShardingSphere,A Holistic and Pluggable Platform for Data Sharding”。2022 年入选 Globee Awards “Chief Technology Officier of the Year” 荣誉。2022 年作为第一作者出版海外书籍《A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere》。
姓名 | 潘娟 |
性别 | 女 |
城市 | 北京, 中国 |
职位 | SphereEx 联合创始人 & CTO |
社区职位 | Apache Member & 孵化器导师 | Apache ShardingSphere PMC | Apache Incubator brpc & AGE & HugeGraph Mentor | AWS Data Hero | Tencent Cloud TVP. |
panjuan@apache.org | |
tristaZero |
- 硕士, 2014年9月-2016年6月, 大连海事大学视觉模式检索与云计算专业
- 学士, 2010年9月-2014年6月, 河北师范大学软件开发专业
- 联合创始人 & CTO, 2021年4月-至今,SphereEx
- AWS Data Hero
- 中国木兰开源社区导师
- 腾讯云 TVP
- 2020 中国开源先锋人物
- 2021 OSCAR 尖峰开源人物
- CSDN 2021 年度 IT 领军人物
- Globee Awards “Chief Technology Officier of the Year”
- 第一作者出版海外书籍《A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere》
- 在 ICDE 发表论文 “Apache ShardingSphere,A Holistic and Pluggable Platform for Data Sharding”
- 高级数据库中间件研发工程师,2018年1月-2021年4月,京东
- 负责京东金融分布式云数据库中间件平台的研发
- 负责京东金融分布式事务引擎及平台(关系型数据库强一致性分布式事务引擎)的研发
- Apache开源软件基金会顶级开源项目 Apache ShardingSphere Maintainer
- Apache开源软件基金会孵化器导师 & memeber
- Apache brpc & Apache AGE & Aache HugeGraph 开源项目导师
- 高级DBA工程师,2016年1月-2018年1月,京东
- 负责京东金融生产大规模 MySQL/Oracle 数据库设计、运维、管理工作
- 负责京东金融数据库自动化运维管理平台的设计和研发工作(MySQL/Oracle, Python, DevOps)
- GIAC 全球架构师大会 数据库分布式与云化的架构选型
- 亚马逊云科技峰会 圆桌论坛 开发者如何利用开源挖掘数据价值
- 亚马逊云科技峰会 主题分享 借助云服务的生态特性,打造安全、弹性、高性能的分布式数据库平台
- 深圳 亚马逊云科技 Community Day 主题分享 借助开源生态,打造个人、社区、企业的全球影响力
- 第二届中国国际软件发展大会开源雨林 主题分享 Apache ShardingSphere 建设global社区探索与成长
- Conf42: Quantum Computing 2023, “Dynamic data masking & encryption for MySQL/PostgreSQL with no code changes”
- DevDays Europe 2023, “Online OLTP computing and traffic governance as a service for true digital transformation”
- Women in Tech Global Conference “From IC to CTO, the thinking and story of this title change from woman perspective”
- Conf42.com: Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 2023, “How to achieve the scalability, high availability, and elastic ability of your database infrastructure on Kubernetes”
- Conf42: Golang 2023, “Create the distributed database on Kubernetes leveraging your existing monolithic database”
- Big Data Days 2023, “Build a Big Data Business Around Open Source: A Handbook for Founders & Initial Committers of Successful Open Source Projects”
- Conf42 Cloud Native 2023, “Automatically shard and scale-out your traditional databases on Kubernetes for true digital transformation”
- Warsaw IT Days 2023, “Create the distributed database on Kubernetes leveraging your existing monolithic database”
- Java Devs'23 Online Summit, “Automatically shard and scale-out your traditional databases on Kubernates for true digital transformation”
- Conf42 DevOps 2023
- 腾源会「WeOpen Talk」“从女工程师转变成开源商业化 Infra 公司创始人,痛并快乐着”
- FOSDEM 2022, “PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building”
- Subsurface Live Winter 2022, “From DBA & Open Source Contributor to CTO & Co-Founder”
- FOSS Backstage,“How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community & Achieve Collaboration with Over 170 Listed Corporations”
- 51CTO T·Talk直播,“Apache 顶级项目 ShardingSphere 的开源之道”
- DevCon 2022,“How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community & Achieve Collaboration with Over 170 Listed Corporations”
- FOSSASIA SUMMIT,“PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building”
- Google WTM 北京站,“For better, not for perfect”
- 亚马逊云科技 User Group IWD 北京站,“The pros and cons when thinking about your career from a woman’s perspective”
- Ladies Who Tech Digital,“女性开发者如何参与开源社区”
- DIVE 全球基础软件创新大会,“从 DBA 到 CTO,一名工程师应具备的核心特性与思考”
- Conf42:Cloud Native 2022,“PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building”
- PGCon,“How to Build a Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem with PostgreSQL”
- Big Data Days 2022,“How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community & Achieve Collaboration with Over 170 Listed Corporations”
- cdCon,“How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community & Achieve Collaboration with Over 170 Listed Corporations”
- Apache ShardingSphere Tech-Meetup Vol.6,“ShardingSphere 5.1.2:全新驱动 API + 云原生部署,打造高性能数据网关”
- OpenInfra + CloudNative Days Asia,“Online OLTP computing and traffic governance as a service for true digital transformation”
- OSSummit Latin America,“How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community & Achieve Collaboration with Over 170 Listed Corporations”
- 2022 世界人工智能大会,“Apache ShardingSphere 分布式数据库生态的云原生实践”
- 2022 WOT 全球技术创新大会,“Apache ShardingSphere Database Plus 架构设计和实践”
- J-CON Online 2022,“How to Build a Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem with PostgreSQL”
- Cloud Container Sec Summit,“How to Build a Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem with PostgreSQL”
- ITPUB.NET “借力 Apache ShardingSphere,打造企业分布式数据库平台生态”
- 开源人物专访潘娟
- 思否专访 SphereEx 创始团队
- 中国唯一一位女性 Apache Member 潘娟:我们还是要走出自己与众不同的 My Way
- ApacheCon Asia 2021 —— Incubator track
- 2021 亚马逊云科技中国峰会 - “Apache ShardingSphere 分布式数据库中间件开源生态构建”
- GIAC 2021 全球互联网架构大会 - “Apache Sharding Sphere DB Plus 架构生态演进”
- GOTC 2021 全球开源技术峰会 - “如何打造数据库分布式开源生态”
- OpenInfra Days Asia 2021 “The Database Governance Mechanism of ShardingSphere’s Distributed Database Middleware Ecosystem”
- 2021亚马逊云科技中国峰会 - “构建云端的企业应用级分布式数据库生态”
- 如何踏上成为“了不起的开发者”之路
- Open Source India 2021,“How to Create a Distributed Database Ecosystem for Enterprise Cloud Applications”
- OADC开放原子全球开发者大会 - “Apache ShardingSphere分布式数据库开源生态实战”
- 获得中国信通院 2021 OSCAR 尖峰开源人物
- 2021 第六届中国开源年会(COSCon'21)主论坛“开源社区未来探索与实践”
- 腾讯数字生态大会云原生开源生态专场圆桌讨论“云原生开源发展与商业化探索?”
- 荣获 AWS Data Hero
- PGConf.Asia 2021 “Setup the distributed database system for PostgreSQL”
- China Softcon 2021 中国软件技术大会“数据库中间件生产架构选型及未来架构演进”
- 被评为2020 中国开源先锋人物
- 开放原子开源基金会 2020 年度峰会 - “循序渐进打造多样化活跃开源社区”
- 2020 中国软件技术大会 - “分布式数据库中间件的数据库化架构演进”
- 开源软件供应链 2020 峰会 - “Apache ShardingSphere 分布式数据库生态圈架构演进”
- PGConf.Asia (PostgreSQL Conference Asia)“构建 PostgreSQL 的分布式数据库中间件生态体系”
- Apache Roadshow China 2020, “数据库化的分布式数据库中间件生态圈极简使用策略”
- TiD 2020 质量竞争力大会, “互联网海量数据场景下的分布式数据库与服务治理”
- OSC 源创会第 89 期,“开源推动下 Apache ShardingSphere 架构演进”
- ITPUB 技术栈,“从 New SQL 角度看 Apache ShardingSphere”
- 京东数科开源总动员,“The first step to your Open Source journey”
- Apache IoTDB 交流会,“京东数科分布式数据库中间件 JDTX 架构剖析”
- 2019 中国开源峰会," Apache ShardingSphere 分布式数据库中间件平台架构进化论"
- Apache DolphinScheduler & Apache ShardingSphere co-meetup,主题分享
- 第九届 PostgreSQL 中国技术大会,“京东数科分布式事务 JDTX 与数据库中间件 Apache ShardingSphere 的集成之道” + 主会场主持
- 2019 中国开源年会,“Apache ShardingSphere 开源生态圈从0到1的演进之路”
- 2019 中国系统架构师大会," ApacheShardingSphere 数据平台演进之路"
- 2019 HUAWEI Connection + Apache meetup, “解密 ShardingSphere 与 ServiceComb 联合打造的分布式事务解决方案”
- 2019 京东技术沙龙,“分布式数据库中间件在京东数科的生产实践探索”
- 2019 DBAPlus 线上分享183期,“分布式数据库中间件京东实战”
- 2019 巨杉数据库 Tech Day,“开源分布式数据库中间件架构剖析及应用”
- 2018 PostgreSQL 中国技术大会," Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating) 云架构演化" + 主会场主持
- IAS 2018 互联网架构峰会," Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating) 云架构演化"
- 2018 中国软件技术大会,“如何打造分布式数据库中间件的云架构”
- MSUP 卓越研发之路北京站,“如何打造分布式数据库中间件的云架构”
- 2018 数据技术嘉年华,“分布式数据库架构演进”
- 58 转转技术交流会," Apache ShardingSphere 内核剖析"
- 贝壳金服技术交流会," Apache ShardingSphere 生态初探"
- 2018 开源数据库论坛暨首届 MariaDB 中国用户者大会,主会场主持
- 饿了么技术沙龙," Apache ShardingSphere 生态圈解密"
- ACMUG2017 MySQL 年会,“京东金融自动化与智能化运维设计与实践”
- ODF 2017 开源数据库论坛(台北),“稳中求进-打造京东金融 MySQL 运维高可用与自动化”
- 《新程序员》|90 后 CTO 如何成为国内首位女性 Apache Member?
- InfoQ| The Journey from Underrepresented IC to CTO: How Open Source Helped
- 潘娟:从女工程师转变成开源商业化 Infra 公司创始人,痛并快乐着
- SphereEx 斩获掘金引力榜“年度新锐企业”、“年度新锐人物”两项荣誉
- Why Should You Get Involved in an Open-Source Community?
- Hero journey-A story about exploring in open source world
- A DBA heads into open source community
- The Apache Incubator journey of Apache ShardingSphere
- A talking in OS-CHINA conference
- The co-meetup of Apache ShardingSphere and Apache DolphinScheduler(Incubating)
- A talking in PostgreSQL China conference
- A story of newbie DBA
- 潘娟:循序渐进打造活跃的多元化社区
- 学生群体如何参与开源社区
- InfoQ|Creating a Secure Distributed Database Cluster Leveraging Your Existing Database Management System
- InfoQ|The Next Evolution of the Database Sharding Architecture
- InfoQ|Create Your Distributed Database on Kubernetes with Existing Monolithic Databases
- 下一代数据库分片架构的演进与革新
- Kubernetes 环境下的数据库新命题
- Stack Overflow:How sharding a database can make it faster
- The practical solution of Apache ShardingSphere for JD.com
- How to mask sensitive data by means of Apache ShardingSphere
- A great idea to design the automatic executor engine of Apache ShardingSphere
- Distributed shared memory (Translation)
- The Stack Overflow Podcast|China’s only female Apache member on the rise of open source in China
- How do we build Apache ShardingSphere community (Part one) (嘉宾)
- How do we build Apache ShardingSphere community (Part two) (嘉宾)
- A talking about the project Architecture design (嘉宾)
- The open source journey of Apache SkyWalking (主持人)
- Say hello world (ALC Beijing podcast) (主持人)
- The experience of Summer code 2020 (主持人)
- The Apache incubator journey of Apache ECharts (主持人)
- How do non-code contributors interact with OpenSource community (主持人)
- The Data Way Vol.00 我们决定做一档陪伴工程师成长的播客
- The Data Way Vol.01 风口下的开源市场:如何看待开源与商业的关系?
- The Data Way Vol.02 做个『单纯』的程序员还真不简单
- The Data Way Vol.03 做到最后只能删库跑路?DBA 能做的还有很多
- The Data Way Vol.05 这里有一场资本与开源的 battle
- Apache PodCast|FeatherCast
- Dynamic data masking & encryption for MySQL/PostgreSQL | Trista Pan | Conf42 Quantum Computing 2023
- Online OLTP computing and traffic governance as a service | Trista Pan | Conf42 Kube Native 2022
- Build a Big Data Business Around Open Source - Trista Pan
- Trista Pan: Online OLTP Computing and Traffic Governance as a Service for True Digital Transformatio
- #FOSSBack: Juan Pan (Trista) – How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community
- Achieve the scalability & elastic ability of your db infra on K8s | Trista Pan | Conf42 SRE 2023
- PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building - Trista Pan
- Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0 的亮点与 milestone —— 潘娟
- 潘娟:Keep open,Stay tuned 开源为我打开的全新世界 | TiDB Hackathon 2021 评委访谈
- OpenTEKr|大话开源|潘娟:玩开源我们就要秀出别样My Way来构建活力生态
- Apache ShardingSphere:由开源驱动的分布式数据库中间件生态 | 潘娟
- WeOpenTalk 首期对话:连线娟神,和你聊聊开源那些事儿
- WTM 2022《For better, not for perfect》– 潘娟
- 2020PG亚洲大会】潘娟:构建PostgreSQL的分布式数据库中间件生态体系
- COSCon'21 潘娟–开源社区未来探索与实践
- 开源推动下的 Apache ShardingSphere 架构演进
- 借力Apache ShardingSphere,打造企业分布式数据库平台生态
- 开源总动员】零基础入门Apache ShardingSphere开源之道
- Why do we want to head into the open-source world (演讲嘉宾)
- Exploring Apache ShardingSphere with the perspective of new SQL (演讲嘉宾)
- Build the distributed database ecosystem with NewSQL (演讲嘉宾)
- Another backend storage solution for the APM system (演讲嘉宾, 英文演讲)